The Earhart: A Masochist’s Journey

A tale of creative pain and suffering encapsulated within a single garment

A Guide to Affordable Fashion Editorial Production

A couple of weeks ago, I had a dream that I could still recall clearly.…

Cultivating The Gardens of ROSEN

It goes without saying that most of us are not having a jolly good time…

A Message for 3226 – A Look into ROSEN’s Operations

Adhering to The Norm ROSEN has never followed fashion cycle nor seasons, nor any pre-determined…


The Melancholy of Modernity – A Look into ROSEN’s Inspiration

I am by nature a visual person, so plucking ideas from personal experiences and turning…


Aeon Jacket Aeon Jacket Callisto Trousers in 2L Nylon Orion Anorak Orion Anorak Suijin Hakama…