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Long Live Issey Miyake

Long Live Issey Miyake

I was always interested in making clothing that is worn by people in the real world.

Issey Miyake

The appeal of Issey Miyake goes beyond aesthetics and his adventures in fabric technology, extending to his focus on creating egalitarian garments and steadfast humility despite being one of the most influential designers in modern fashion history. Set against the chaos of a typical old Shanghainese neighbourhood, I made a set of editorials to celebrate the vibrance of Issey Miyake’s enduring pleated works. All featured Issey Miyake garments are available here.

Issey Miyake Pleats Please

From the beginning I thought about working with the body in movement, the space between the body and clothes. I wanted the clothes to move when people moved. The clothes are also for people to dance or laugh.

We can also cut by heat – heat punch. And we also can cut by cold – extreme cold. When you cut with heat, it makes a mark. With cold, no mark. It depends on the fabric.

Well, what I’m doing is really clothing. I’m not doing sculpture.

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